Nutrition Focus Areas
Emotional Eating
While food does help soothe difficult emotions, food will not address the root cause of the emotion. Once we find other ways to cope with our emotions, we are more able to choose between a wider range of coping mechanisms rather than solely relying on food.
Disordered Eating
Peace of Mind
I help to counsel my clients through binge eating disorder, body image issues, chronic dieting, disordered eating, compulsive body checking and exercise, and body dysmorphia. I also support those with psychological comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD, or those with histories of trauma.
Non-Diet Nutrition
We know that diets have an extremely low success rate. In fact, studies are indicating that those who go on diets often end up gaining more weight in the long term. Not only are diets unsustainable, but let's fact it, most people are miserable on them. We can still improve out health without being on a diet or having rigid food rules. Let me show you how.